Places you are not allowed to visit in the world North Sentinel Island, India The death of an American Tourist who illegally visited the isolated North Sentinel Island had drawn the world's attention to the small island's reclusive inhabitants. They're one of the few mostly "uncontacted" groups left in the world. Indian Authorities recognise the islanders desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring, they do not prosecute them for killing people. Snake Islands, Brazil Ilha Da Quueinada Grande, also known as Snake Island. The Island is small in size and has a temperate climate. Now comes the interesting fact, it is the only home of the critically endangered, venemous Bothrops insularies. Queinnada Grande is closed to the public in order to protect both people and the snake population, access is only available to Brazilian Navy. Dulce Base, New Mexico, USA Dulce Base is the subject of a conspiracy t...